By selling the identical professional mouthpieces and teeth whitener dentists sell but for 1/3 the cost; Professional Teeth Whitening whitens your teeth SAFEER, QUICKER, WHITER and CHEAPER.
SAFER. Professional Teeth Whitening whitens your teeth safer by fabricating custom mouthpieces that maintain the whitener on your teeth and not on your gums causing you to experience less sensitivity and using less teeth whitener.
QUICKER. Professional Teeth Whitening whitens your teeth quicker by maintaining the teeth whitener on you teeth enabling you to use teeth whitener that is 2 times stronger.
WHITER. Professional Teeth Whitening whitens your teeth whiter by using teeth whitener that is 2 times stronger.
CHEAPER. Professional Teeth Whitening whitens your teeth cheaper by using ½ the teeth whitener and by being 1/3 the cost of dentists.